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Is Taking Practical Courses Online a Good Idea?


It is not only you who is asking for the questions about taking practical courses online, and you certainly won't be the last. Due to the pandemic, almost all high schools worldwide have shifted to online high school to cope with the situations and continue the education process. It's true that moving to the online was a right turn but more for theoretical courses, which could be understandable through lectures and notes. 

But taking practical courses online is highly challenging for students due to many reasons. Both the Pros and Cons exist for making practical online courses.


Pros of taking Online Practical Courses:


· Able to learn with your pace

The benefit of learning practical courses online is learning at your own pace. You can have the overall timeframe in which you can complete the course. It favors you to take the time according to your learning ability. Without taking the regularly scheduled classes, you can keep your pace to learn thoroughly. 


  • Can have a detailed view of the video

One of the benefits of learning online practical courses is that you can have a detailed view of the videos of technical aspects. You can re-play and re-evaluate many times to understand the concept or the technological implications in that course. In this way, the videos can guide you the best to understand technical suggestions as well as another essential tact of the practical sessions as well. 


  • More access to the instructor

Online classes are mostly with fewer students, so you can easily access your instructor by asking about your various queries. Otherwise, at massive levels with the number of students, it becomes difficult to approach the instructor and resolve questions.


  • Less expensive

Most of the online courses are less expensive, but it depends more on the type of practical session you are taking. You can opt for the budgeted online qualification or can keep your fees down or in installments. 


  • Flexibility to learn

The flexibility of timings is considered as the most significant benefit of learning online. You can choose your choice that which time and day suit you. Materials are always available 24/7. For attending the group discussions and participating in discussion forums, you can join that too at any time convenient for you.


Cons of taking Online Practical Courses:


  • No hands-on experience

Online courses either takes place on computers or smartphones. So, there is no facial interaction between students and teachers. And there is no hands-on work to do, which is highly essential for practical courses. Otherwise, the understanding required for the technical courses does not get fulfilled, which results in a lack of qualified skills. In most cases, communication occurs via email or online, which becomes difficult for some of the students to learn. 



  • Technological problems

Suffering through technological problems make online courses frustrating and stressful. Especially when you don't have an excellent internet connection, and you can't access materials, notes, explicit videos, and uninterrupted voices. Reconsider your technological problems and consider these terms when you are getting yourself enrolled in an online course to avid the later stressful problems like late submissions, poor understandings, no timely response from instructors, and much more.


  • Hard to be self-motivated

In taking online courses, one of the necessary things to keep yourself studying is to keep motivating yourself to consider. Most of the time, it's hard, especially in the case when you are taking practical courses. Most of the often, it happens to that it becomes hard to discipline yourself and stay moved to study, particularly if you're busy with other work and life commitments or can be easily unfocussed while at home. Focus tat how well you can best self-motivate yourself to make yourself disciplined to take classes when you are thinking to start studying online!



Taking online courses, either the practical or the theoretical ones, entirely depends on your courage, personality, and motivation to study it. As well as it depends on the circumstances factor, too, that forces you to opt for it. 

So, learning is always a blessing, and every kind of knowledge has some positive and negative effects. The only essential thing is to have the courage and motivation to start studying. Because with technological advancement, most of the items will shift to technology-based setups to cope with them is the requirement of time. 

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