BBC TWO Inside the Factory - Paint and Wallpaper
Paint & Wallpaper Series 8
Watch "Inside the Factory," Series 8 on BBC TWO, where they take you behind the scenes of the manufacturing process to uncover the secrets and intricacies of how products are made. In this episode, they delve into the world of wallpaper production, exploring the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into creating the vibrant and unique wallpapers available at Farrow & Ball

Whilst filming the episode, Voltage TV got in contact with The DIY School, to see if they could bring along one of the presenters, Cherry Healey, so we could teach her about wallpaper and how to hang it.
We asked some of our recent students, Molly and Emma if they'd like to give Cherry a hand, along with past student Kat Corbett of Pink Bristles in Buxton, who now has a succesful decorating business after attending some of our courses a few years ago.
We also got in contact with Sharon Whitehurst, who's a local designer and manufacturer of wallpaper who kindly let us have some examples of her hand made and bespoke wallpapers, which is what you see Cherry attempting to hang in this episode.
Along with Charlie the DIY School dog, we had a great day filming and you can watch the programme on BBC TWO iPlayer if you missed it.