Success Stories - Plaster Apprentice
4 Day Plastering Course in Manchester enables an 18 year old to beat the competition to secure a full time plastering apprenticeship.
Plastering Courses at The DIY School in Manchester have helped many young people. Plasteirng Course student James tells how The DIY School Essential Plastering Course helped him after leaving school.
"Being both dyslexic and artistic, my Mum suggested that a good trade to find an apprenticeship in would be in Plastering (not much reading involved and, although not exactly 'Art', you do need an eye for detail...)"
"I realised how hard it was going to be to find an employer, so Mum offered to 'buy' me an Essentials Plastering Course for my 18th birthday! Obviously I would have preferred a Nintendo Wii, but have to admit it was the best present ever!!"
"When applying for apprenticeships I was able to send a copy of my DIY School Certificate, which made them realise that
- I had a genuine interest is the 'subject'
- I had some basic experience
- I obviously enjoy plastering
"I am now happily employed and attend 'block release' sessions at College."
"I am sure that having done the very enjoyable Essentials Plastering Courseat The DIY School gave me great advantage over other school leavers that got on to an apprenticeship through 'knowing people', etc. I've had a bit of a head start and they obviously thought that doing the course was a really good idea as it helped me realise that I was going to enjoy the job. Some lads just take any apprenticeship for the sake of it, but don't always enjoy what they're training for. For example, I would not have taken a car technicians apprenticeship. It is great to be able to 'try before you buy' !!"
James Stonehewer